Professor Fred Skiff Speaking at the 55th APS DPP Meeting in Denver, 2013
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Laboratory measurements of the physics of auroral electron acceleration by Alfven waves
J. W. R. Schroeder, G. G. Howes, C. A. Kletzing, F. Skiff, T. A. Carter, S. Vincena, and S. Dorfman
Nature Comm., 12, 3103 (2021).
Laser-induced fluorescence measurements of ion fluctuations in electron and ion presheaths
R. Hood, S. D. Baalrud, R. L. Merlino, and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 27, 053509 (2020).
Measurement of wave-particle interaction and metastable lifetime using laser-induced fluorescence
F. Chu, R. Hood, and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 26, 042111 (2019).
Determining Metastable Ion Lifetime and History through Wave-Particle Interaction
F. Chu and F. Skiff
Phys. Rev. Lett., 122, 075001 (2019).
Comparison of light propagation in dental tissues and nano-filled resin-based composite
H. Elgendy, R. R. Maia, F. Skiff, G. Denehy, and F. Qian
Clin. Oral Investig., 23, 423 (2019).
Analysis and comparison of ion-acoustic wave reflection using laser-induced fluorescence and Langmuir probes
J. Berumen and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 25, 122102 (2018).
Double-layer build-up technique: laser evaluation of light propagation in dental substrates and dental composites
R. R. Maia, D. Oliveira, T. D'Antonio, F. Qian, and F. Skiff
Int. J. Esthet. Dent., 13, 538 (2018).
A technique for plasma velocity-space cross-correlation
S. Mattingly and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 25, 055707 (2018).
FPGA based demodulation of laser induced fluorescence in plasmas
S. Mattingly and F. Skiff
Rev. Sci. Instr., 89, 043508 (2018).
A Lagrangian model for laser-induced fluorescence and its application to measurements of plasma ion temperature and electrostatic waves
F. Chu and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 25, 013506 (2018).
On determining the fraction of metastable ions produced by direct ionization
F. Chu, S.W. Mattingly, J. Berumen, R. Hood, and F. Skiff
J. Instrum., 12, C11005 (2017).
Velocity space degrees of freedom of plasma fluctuations
S. Mattingly and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 24, 090703 (2017).
Linear theory and measurements of electron oscillations in an inertial Alfven wave
J. W. R. Schroeder, F. Skiff, G. G. Howes, C. A. Kletzing, T. A. Carter, and S. Dorfman
Phys. Plasmas, 24, 032902 (2017).
Ion flow and sheath structure near positively biased electrodes
R. Hood, B. Scheiner, S. D. Baalrud, M. M. Hopkins, E. V. Barnat, B. T. Yee, R. L. Merlino, and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 23, 113503 (2016).
Direct measurement of electron sloshing of an inertial Alfven wave
J. W. R. Schroeder, F. Skiff, C. A. Kletzing, G. G. Howes, T. A. Carter, and S. Dorfman
Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 4701 (2016).
Measurements of the nonlinear beat wave produced by the interaction of counterpropagating Alfven waves
D. J. Drake, G. G. Howes, J. D. Rhudy, S. K. Terry, T. A. Carter, C. A. Kletzing, J. W. R. Schroeder, and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 23, 022305 (2016).
Alfvenic Oscillations of the Electron Distribution Function: Linear Theory and Experimental Measurements
J. W. R. Schroeder, F. Skiff, G. G. Howes, C. A. Kletzing, T. A. Carter, and S. Dorfman
AIP Conf. Proc., 1689, 030001 (2015).
Analysis of Magnetic Fields in Inertial Alfven Wave Collisions
D. J. Drake, J. W. R. Schroeder, B. C. Shanken, G. G. Howes, F. Skiff, C. A. Kletzing, T. A. Carter, and S. Dorfman
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 42, 2534 (2014).
Measurement and interpretation of the velocity space correlation of a laboratory plasma fluctuation with laser induced fluorescence
S. Mattingly, J. Berumen, F. Chu, R. Hood, and F. Skiff
J. Instrum., 8, C11015 (2013).
Alfven wave collisions, the fundamental building block of plasma turbulence. IV. Laboratory experiment
D. J. Drake, J. W. R. Schroeder, G. G. Howes, C. A. Kletzing, F. Skiff, T. A. Carter, and D. W. Auerbach
Phys. Plasmas, 20, 072901 (2013).
Alfven wave collisions, the fundamental building block of plasma turbulence. III. Theory for experimental design
G. G. Howes, K. D. Nielson, D. J. Drake, J. W. R. Schroeder, F. Skiff, C. A. Kletzing, and T. A. Carter
Phys. Plasmas, 20, 072304 (2013).
Toward Astrophysical Turbulence in the Laboratory
G. G. Howes, D. J. Drake, K. D. Nielson, T. A. Carter, C. A. Kletzing, and F. Skiff
Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 255001 (2012).
Measurements of parallel electron velocity distributions using whistler wave absorption
D. J. Thuecks, F. Skiff, and C. A. Kletzing
Rev. Sci. Instr., 83, 083503 (2012).
Design and use of an Elsasser probe for analysis of Alfven wave fields according to wave direction
D. J. Drake, C. A. Kletzing, F. Skiff, G. G. Howes, and S. Vincena
Rev. Sci. Instr., 82, 103505 (2011).
Measurements of Inertial Limit Alfven Wave Dispersion for Finite Perpendicular Wave Number
C. A. Kletzing, D. J. Thuecks, F. Skiff, S. R. Bounds, and S. Vincena
Phys. Rev. Lett., 104, 095001 (2010).
Time resolved LIF with a fast-scanning diode laser
F. Skiff and V. Patel
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 227, 012017 (2010).
Tests of collision operators using laboratory measurements of shear Alfven wave dispersion and damping
D. J. Thuecks, C. A. Kletzing, F. Skiff, S. R. Bounds, and S. Vincena
Phys. Plasmas, 16, 052110 (2009).
Nonlinear correlations in phase-space resolved fluctuations at drift wave frequencies
F. Skiff, I. Uzun, and A. Diallo
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 49, B259 (2007).
Antenna excitation of drift wave in a toroidal plasma
A. Diallo, P. Ricci, A. Fasoli, I. Furno, B. Labit, S. H. Müller, M. Podestà, F. M. Poli, and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 14, 102101 (2007).
Observation of coherent nonlinear interactions in the ion velocity distribution function
I. Uzun and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 13, 112108 (2006).
Diagnostics of collisionless processes in plasma
F. Skiff
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 34, 1548 (2006).
Time-resolved measurements of the density fluctuations in ion phase space
A. Diallo and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 13, 055705 (2006).
Weakly collisional Landau damping and three-dimensional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal modes: New results on old problems
C. S. Ng, A. Bhattacharjee, and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 13, 055903 (2006).
Bispectral analysis of nonlinear compressional waves in a two-dimensional dusty plasma crystal
V. Nosenko, J. Goree, and F. Skiff
Phys. Rev. E, 73, 016401 (2006).
The phase-space-resolved two-point correlation function of ion density fluctuations
A. Diallo and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 12, 110701 (2005).
Measurement of asymmetric optical pumping of ions accelerating in a magnetic-field gradient
X. Sun, E. Scime, M. Miah, S. Cohen, and F. Skiff
Phys. Rev. Lett., 93, 235002 (2004).
Mini-conference on laser-induced fluorescence in plasmas
F. Skiff and J. Bollinger
Phys. Plasmas, 11, 2972 (2004).
Complete spectrum of kinetic eigenmodes for plasma oscillations in a weakly collisional plasma
C. S. Ng, A. Bhattacharjee, and F. Skiff
Phys. Rev. Lett., 92, 065002 (2004).
Ion soliton observation with laser induced fluorescence
N. Claire, G. Bachet, and F. Skiff
Commun. Nonlinear. Sci., 8, 349 (2003).
Ion soliton observation with laser-induced fluorescence
N. Claire, G. Bachet, and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 9, 4887 (2002).
Electrostatic fluctuations in plasmas with distribution functions described by simple pole expansions
H. Gunell and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 9, 2585 (2002).
Electrostatic degrees of freedom in non-Maxwellian plasma
F. Skiff, H. Gunell, A. Bhattacharjee, C. S. Ng, and W. A. Noonan
Phys. Plasmas, 9, 1931 (2002).
Coherent detection of the complete linear electrostatic plasma response of plasma ions using laser-induced fluorescence
F. Skiff
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 30, 26 (2002).
Nonlinear optical tagging diagnostic for the measurement of Fokker-Planck diffusion and electric fields
N. Claire, M. Dindelegan, G. Bachet, and F. Skiff
Rev. Sci. Instr., 72, 4372 (2001).
Experimental studies of the propagation of electrostatic ion perturbations by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence
G. Bachet, F. Skiff, F. Doveil, and R. A. Stern
Phys. Plasmas, 8, 3535 (2001).
Weakly damped acoustic-like ion waves in plasmas with non-Maxwellian ion distributions
H. Gunell and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 8, 3550 (2001).
Ion dynamics in nonlinear electrostatic structures
F. Skiff, G. Bachet, and F. Doveil
Phys. Plasmas, 8, 3139 (2001).
Wave-particle interaction
F. Skiff, C. S. Ng, A. Bhattacharjee, W. A. Noonan, and A. Case
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 42, B27 (2000).
Kinetic eigenmodes and discrete spectrum of plasma oscillations in a weakly collisional plasma
C. S. Ng, A. Bhattacharjee, and F. Skiff
Phys. Rev. Lett., 83, 1974 (2000).
Kinetic modes in a hot magnetized and weakly collisional plasma
S. De Souza-Machado, M. Sarfaty, and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 6, 2323 (1999).
Linear kinetic modes in weakly collisional plasma
F. Skiff, S. De Souza-Machado, W. A. Noonan, A. Case, and T. N. Good
Phys. Rev. Lett., 81, 5820 (1998).
Wave-particle resonance in magnetized plasma
M. Sarfaty, S. De Souza-Machado, and F. Skiff
Phys. Rev. Lett., 80, 3252 (1998).
Laser-induced fluorescence observation of self-organized ion structures induced by electrostatic perturbations
G. Bachet, F. Skiff, M. Dindelegan, F. Doveil, and R. A. Stern
Phys. Rev. Lett., 80, 3260 (1998).
Lower hybrid current drive and antenna coupling experiments on TdeV
F. Skiff et al
P. S. IAEA. (1997).
A system to measure suprathermal electron distribution functions in toroidal plasmas by electron cyclotron wave absorption
D. A. Boyd, F. Skiff, and S. Gulick
Rev. Sci. Instr., 68, 496 (1997).
Direct determination of ion wave fields in a hot magnetized and weakly collisional plasma
M. Sarfaty, S. De Souza‐Machado, and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 3, 4316 (1996).
Measurement of Fokker-Planck Diffusion with Laser-Induced Fluorescence
J. J. Curry, F. Skiff, M. Sarfaty, and T. N. Good
Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, 1767 (1995).
Nonlinear optical tagging and laser induced fluorescence
F. Skiff and J. J. Curry
Rev. Sci. Instr., 66, 629 (1995).
Nonlinear correlations in phase-space resolved fluctuations at drift wave frequencies
F. Skiff, D. A. Boyd, and J. A. Colborn
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 36, 1371 (1994).
Study of wave–particle interaction from the linear regime to dynamical chaos in a magnetized plasma
A. Fasoli, F. Skiff, and M. Q. Tran
Phys. Plasmas, 1, 1452 (1994).
Rapid cross-field ion transport in a plasma with sheared parallel flow
F. Skiff and A. Fasoli
Phys. Lett. A, 184, 104 (1993).
Stochastic plasma heating by electrostatic waves: a comparison between a particle-in-cell simulation and a laboratory experiment
M. Fivaz, A. Fasoli, K. Appert, F. Skiff, T. M. Tran, and M. Q. Tran
Phys. Lett. A, 182, 426 (1993).
Observation and analysis of a two‐parallel‐temperature electron tail during lower‐hybrid current‐drive on a tokamak
J. A. Colborn, M. Porkolab, J. P. Squire, J. Villaseñor, F. Skiff, D. A. Boyd, and R. W. Harvey
Phys. Plasmas, 5, 3622 (1993).
Dynamical chaos of plasma ions in electrostatic waves
A. Fasoli, F. Skiff, R. Kleiber, M. Q. Tran, and P. J. Paris
Phys. Rev. Lett., 70, 303 (1993).
Test-ion diffusion in a magnetized plasma
A. Fasoli, F. Skiff, T. N. Good, P. J. Paris, and M. Q. Tran
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 20, 655 (1992).
Determination of wave fields from perturbed particle orbits
F. Skiff
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 20, 701 (1992).
Cross-field diffusion quenching by neutral gas injection in a magnetized plasma
A. Fasoli, F. Skiff, T. N. Good, and P. J. Paris
Phys. Rev. Lett., 68, 2925 (1992).
Ion cyclotron wave excitation by double resonance coupling
A. Fasoli, T. N. Good, P. J. Paris, F. Skiff, and M. Q. Tran
Phys. Plasmas, 3, 1171 (1991).
High duty cycle pulsed dye laser using a waveguide excimer pump
J. J. Curry, F. Skiff, and C. P. Christensen
Opt. Commun., 82, 289 (1991).
A nonlocal analysis of electrostatic waves in hot inhomogeneous bounded plasmas
O. Sauter, J. Vaclavik, and F. Skiff
Phys. Plasmas, 2, 475 (1990).
The bipolar motor: A simple demonstration of deterministic chaos
M. J. Ballico, M. L. Sawley, and F. Skiff
Am. J. Phys., 58, 58 (1990).
Direct measurement of ion phase-space orbits in an electrostatic field
A. Fasoli, T. N. Good, F. Anderegg, F. Skiff, P. J. Paris, M. Q. Tran, and M. Yamada
Phys. Rev. Lett., 63, 2052 (1989).
Study of chaos and optical tagging techniques
F. Skiff, F. Anderegg, T. N. Good, P. J. Paris, M. Q. Tran, N. Rynn, and R. A. Stern
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 31, 1569 (1989).
Plasma diagnostics with spin-polarized ions
F. Skiff, T. N. Good, F. Anderegg, and P. J. Paris
Phys. Lett. A, 137, 59 (1989).
Conservation Laws and Transport in Hamiltonian Chaos
F. Skiff, F. Anderegg, T. N. Good, P. J. Paris, M. Q. Tran, N. Rynn, and R. A. Stern
Phys. Rev. Lett., 61, 2034 (1988).
Optical carriage for laser‐induced fluorescence in a magnetized plasma
F. Anderegg, P. J. Paris, F. Skiff, T. N. Good, and M. Q. Tran
Rev. Sci. Instr., 59, 2306 (1988).
Excitation of ion Bernstein waves from loop antennas
F. Skiff, M. Ono, and K. L. Wong
Phys. Fluids, 31, 2030 (1988).
Direct observation of plasma dielectric motion
F. Skiff and F. Anderegg
Phys. Rev. Lett., 59, 896 (1987).
Stochastic particle acceleration in an electrostatic wave
F. Skiff, F. Anderegg, and M. Q. Tran
Phys. Rev. Lett., 58, 1430 (1987).
Ion Heating Due to Rotation and Collision in Magnetized Plasma
F. Anderegg, R. A. Stern, F. Skiff, B. A. Hammel, M. Q. Tran, P. J. Paris, and P. Kohler
Phys. Rev. Lett., 57, 329 (1986).
Role of ion Bernstein waves in ICRF experiments
F. Skiff, M. Ono, and K. L. Wong
AIP Conf. Proc., 129, 91 (1985).
Parasitic excitation of ion Bernstein waves from a Faraday‐shielded fast wave loop antenna
F. Skiff, M. Ono, P. Colestock, and K. L. Wong
Phys. Fluids, 28, 2453 (1985).
Parametric excitation of ion Bernstein waves by a fast wave antenna in the ion cyclotron frequency range
F. Skiff, M. Ono, and K. L. Wong
Phys. Fluids, 27, 1051 (1984).
Harmonic generation and parametric decay in the ion‐cyclotron frequency range
F. Skiff, K. L. Wong, and M. Ono
Phys. Fluids, 27, 2205 (1984).
Hot-Ion Effects and Mode Conversion of the Lower-Hybrid Wave
G. A. Wurden, K. L. Wong, F. Skiff, and M. Ono
Phys. Rev. Lett., 50, 1779 (1983).
Echo phenomenon associated with lower‐hybrid wave launching
K. L. Wong, F. Skiff, and M. Ono
Phys. Fluids, 26, 2772 (1983).