
Le vrai savant
Heureux celui qui dans ses doctes veilles,
De ce vaste univers contemplant les merveilles,
Devant tant de beauté, devant tant de grandeur,
S’incline et reconnaît un divin créateur.
Je ne partage point la folle inconséquence
Du savant qui, d’un Dieu conteste l’existence,
Qui ferme son oreille a l’annonce des cieux,
Et refuse de voir ce qui brille à ses yeux.
Connaître Dieu, l’aimer, lui rendre un pur hommage,
Voila le vrai savoir et l’étude du sage.
The True Scientist
Happy the one who in his learned watches,
Contemplating the marvels of this vast universe,
Before so much beauty, before so much grandeur,
Bows the knee and acknowledges the divine creator.
I do not share the foolish incoherence
Of the scientist who would contest the existence of God,
Who would close his ears to what the heavens declare,
And refuse to see what the shines before his eyes.
To know God, to love Him, to offer Him a pure homage
That is true knowledge and the study of the wise.
(Translation from French by F. Skiff, 2000)